Delayed Canadian Visa or PR Application? Possible Solutions When Your Application Goes MIA

Delayed Canadian Visa or PR Application? Possible Solutions When Your Application Goes MIA

Delays in immigration or visa application processing in Canada can significantly disrupt plans, affecting emotional well-being. Applicants are advised to proactively monitor their application status via the IRCC portal to detect required updates or delays. Solutions include making case-specific inquiries through IRCC's Webform and, in severe cases, pursuing a mandamus legal action, where a court may command IRCC to decide within 30 to 90 days, although this does not assure a favorable decision. Applicants should compare their processing times with IRCC's averages to gauge delays. Legal advice is recommended for unresolved cases.

Navigating Next Steps: What to Do After a Canadian Visa Refusal

Navigating Next Steps: What to Do After a Canadian Visa Refusal

When facing a Canadian visa refusal, it's essential to request the Global Case Management System (GCMS) notes to understand the specific reasons for the denial. Applicants can then choose to reapply with improvements, request a reconsideration, or seek a judicial review. Each option involves complex immigration protocols and may benefit from legal guidance to enhance the possibility of a successful outcome.

Judical Review in Canada

Why Judicial Review?

Judicial review is a critical mechanism for ensuring the fairness and accountability of administrative decision-making in Canada's immigration system. This process enables individuals or groups to challenge decisions made by immigration officials or tribunals, with the aim of ensuring that these decisions are made in accordance with the law and administrative principles.

Judicial Review

What is judicial review?

To understand the purpose and functioning of the judicial review process, we must underline the Canadian democratic system is behind it. Said the Canadian democratic system is divided into three branches or powers for which Constitution 1 dictates the limits: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.